Freitag, 10. Juni 2016

SYMPATHY FOR MR. VENGEANCE (Park, 2002): flattening bird's-eye shots

Park Chan-Wook likes to flatten the planes with his highly artificial bird's eye views in SYMPATHY FOR MR. VENGEANCE. Aesthetically, this results in often strangely beautiful patterns of ground texture. Narratively, Park succeeds in limiting our perspective despite the long shot. Almost all information about surroundings or what characters see are shut out of the frame creating suspense. For similar shots, see LADY VENGEANCE (2005).

Park Chan-Wook reduziert das Bild in seinen künstlichen Vogelperspektiven in SYMPATHY FOR MR. VENGEANCE gern auf eine flache Ebene. Visuell ergibt das oft ungewohnt schöne Muster. Inhaltlich gelingt es Park trotz der Totale, unseren Blick stark einzuengen. Fast alle Informationen zur Umgebung (was die Figuren sehen) liegen ausserhalb des Bildes, was er oft für Spannung nutzt. Ähnliche Einstellungen finden sich auch in LADY VENGEANCE (2005).

[If you can stomach nihilistic ultraviolence and nauseating sound design, then this is a MUST-SEE for purely cinematic reasons. Else, don't even think about it.]

Although these are longshots, they limit our view and knowledge of space.

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