Freitag, 5. Februar 2016

THE DANISH GIRL (Hooper, 2015): off kilter reverse angles

Visually, THE DANISH GIRL seems to replicate and reinforce the stylistic traits of THE KING'S SPEECH (2010) by director Tom Hooper, cinematographer Danny Cohen and production designer Eve Stewart. Reverse angles during emotionally ruptured conversations are recurringly framed in a way that speaking characters appear to be on the wrong side of the frame (on the right while looking to the right which leaves the left half of the frame empty). In shot-reverse-shot they both seem to look away from each other although there is no crossing-the-line involved.

Visuell scheint THE DANISH GIRL die stilistischen Merkmale von THE KING'S SPEECH (2010) desselben Teams (Regisseur Hooper, Kameramann Cohen, Production Designerin Stewart) in verstärkter Weise wiederaufzunehmen. Schuss-Gegenschuss-Sequenzen während emotional gebrochener Gespräche werden immer wieder so gefilmt, dass die sprechende Figur am falschen Bildrand erscheint (also rechts, wenn sie nach rechts schaut). So scheinen die Gesprächspartner von einander wegzuschauen, obwohl kein wirklicher Achsensprung vorhanden ist.

In the long shot Gerda is on the left, and Einar/Lili on the right. Although we do not cross their eyeline, in the reverse angles Gerda is on the right and Einar/Lili on the left.

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